About Us

We are a family factory producing makeup based on natural ingredients. We create recipes in such a way that they are friendly to the skin and the environment. We limit the amount of ingredients to the minimum necessary to ensure a beautiful appearance, good coverage, healthy skin and adequate durability. In this case, less is more: minimum ingredients = maximum quality. And because we put our whole heart into our products, Fimella is the heart of beauty.
 Almost 90% of the ingredients of our products are of natural origin. 
 The basis are hydrolates, plant extracts, natural butters and oils, acids and
We rely only on certified raw materials from proven sources
Our compositions are limited to the essential ingredients. We do not use artificial enhancers, parabens, chemical preservatives, silicones, strong detergents (SLS and SLES), mineral oils and paraffins.

® All rights reserved for Fimella

© copyright by Red Dress Poland